On Nov 4, 2014, at 8:45 AM, Yuri Slobodyanyuk <yuri@yurisk.info> wrote:
Let me disagree - Pakistan Youtube was possible only because their uplink provider did NOT implement inbound route filters . As always the weakest link is human factor - and no super-duper newest technology is ever to help here .
One problem with route filters is that the protection relies on the place closest to the problem to detect the leak. Further on in the network, not as effective.
As regards to S-bgp/soBGP from technical point of view , wait for the day when the vulnerability gets published (SSL-heartbleed style) that invalidates all this PKI stuff …
Or the IRRs on which the route filters are built. (No need for publication of a vulnerability. See recent msgs about already known problems with IRRs.) --Sandy