This is the man who poisoned DroneBL. He is a bad man. Keep your children safe.
Leon ======================================================== Leon Kaiser - Head of GNAA Public Relations - || || 7BEECD8D FCBED526 F7960173 459111CE F01F9923 "The mask of anonymity is not intensely constructive." -- Andrew "weev" Auernheimer ========================================================
kunwon1: what a bad man ``kunwon1'' aka David J. Moore is a mentally unstable chatter found on ##politics, where he frequently promotes racism, bigotry, and his own extremist political views. He is a violent felon, a pedophile, and a drug addict. Keep this sick, sick man away from your children at all costs. In addition to being a violent sex offender, he is a devout Muslim and deeply closeted homosexual. kunwon1: confirmed sex offender If you let David J. Moore anywhere near your children, there is no doubt in my mind that your child will soon become a rape victim. This is a very sick man who belongs in prison, not on IRC. Quick Facts about David J. Moore: Violent Sex Fiend * David J. Moore is responsible for 88% of all 'Amber Alerts. * There are literally hundreds of reported instances of Moore molesting children. * Authorities suspect that Moore keeps over 30 children locked in his basement, based on the screams neighbors frequently report to the police. * Moore was once described as calling a 4-year-old girl "very molestable", and a 7-month-old boy as "a hot piece of ass". * It is rumored that he is responsible for 45% of all child abuse in his county, and that 40% of all child pornography on the Internet can be traced back to him. * There is not a second in the day where David J. Moore does not lust after children. kunwon1: Junkie Labeled a pedophile and shunned by neighbors and peers alike, David J. Moore turned to drugs for companionship. After years of injecting Heroin and other opiates into his veins, it began to get harder to find a "good" vein to shoot up in. Moore was forced to turn to other drugs to fill the void in his life that Heroin once did. Drugs that David J. Moore is addicted to * Crack Cocaine * Marijuana * Morphine * LSD * Speed * Crystal Meth * Vicodin * Heroin * DXM * Ketamine * Steroids * Peyote * Salvia * Ecstacy * Shrooms * Oxycodone * Klonopin * Methadone * Ayahuasca * Adrenochrome Moore has also been known to huff "raid" from time to time. kunwon1: soft chatter Warning! The text that follows may be disturbing and thus unsuitable for younger viewers. If you are under the age of 18, or are offended at any time, please press the ``back'' button on your web browser. Click here for examples of kunwon1's deviant chatting. 15:39:49 ,---Whois--< kunwon1 [~kunwon1@unaffiliated/kunwon1] 15:39:49 | gecos : Specialization is for Insects 15:39:50 | channels : #freenode @##child_pic_swap ##politics @##narco_trade ##politics-outcast +##infant-sex-workers ##gaydads4sons @#child_porn_dungeon 15:39:50 | server : (Madison, WI, US) 15:39:50 | : is using a secure connection 15:39:50 | idle : 0 days 0 hours 2 mins 40 secs (signon: Mon Feb 28 15:09:52 2011) 15:39:50 | account : kunwon1 15:39:50 `----------<