27 May
27 May
4:22 p.m.
On 5/27/2003 at 3:26 PM, I wrote:
Speaking of the archives: www.nanog.org makes no reference to the list archives at http://www.nanog.org/email.html any longer - where did they go? humans finding and using it is desirable :) (rather than illegal web harvesters)
Thanks to a number of people, including List-Mom, that have pointed me to the right location: http://www.nanog.org/mailinglist.html and from there: http://www.cctec.com/maillists/nanog/index.html http://www.merit.edu/mail.archives/nanog/ It appears that http://www.nanog.org/isp.html is freshly redesigned and is not (yet) linking to the above page. And no, the archives have the headers stripped. Can't see the Message-ID's there. Hmm.