true TOS needs the hosts to participate - not likely in this century, the installed base is too large. subverting TOS with a router override is doable because you only have to change about 10K routers. whether you should TOS for R&E vs usefuly things like high bandwith or low latency should be debated. but it is doable provided I carry around multiple routing tables in my router. Marty ----- No Marty. You are going to need either TOS routing or routing based on source address. The cleanest solution is TOS routing because most routers will include that feature in the near future. Now we need to get the host application software to follow suit or we need a hack that will cause a router to turn on the appropriate TOS bits when it sees a non-RE source address. Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN Lloyd & Associates Principal and Network Architect 3420 Sudbury Road brian@lloyd.com Cameron Park, CA 95682 voice (916) 676-1147 -or- (415) 725-1392