On Wed 2016-Jun-08 11:23:35 -0400, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
On Jun 7, 2016, at 9:21 AM, Mark Felder <feld@feld.me> wrote:
On Jun 6, 2016, at 22:25, Spencer Ryan <sryan@arbor.net> wrote:
The tunnelbroker service acts exactly like a VPN. It allows you, from any arbitrary location in the world with an IPv4 address, to bring traffic out via one of HE's 4 POP's, while completely masking your actual location.
Perhaps Netflix should automatically block any connection that's not from a known residential ISP or mobile ISP as anything else could be a server someone is proxying through. It's very easy to get these subnets -- the spam filtering folks have these subnets well documented. /s
-- Mark Felder feld@feld.me
That would be bad.
The "/s" was of particular importance in Mark's email and I believe intended to apply to the whole line of reasoning, not just the "it's easy to get those blocks" section at the end. -- Hugo Slabbert | email, xmpp/jabber: hugo@slabnet.com pgp key: B178313E | also on Signal