While KC is obviously best person to answer, my understanding is that with the disapearence of ATT inside of SBC and the disappearance of MCIUUNET inside of Verizon all their traffic that CAIDA used to get was pulled. CAIDA gets it no longer because now it is proprietary. IMO a bad situation ============================================================= The COOK Report on Internet Protocol, 609 882-2572 (PSTN) 415 651-4147 (Lingo) Back Issues: http://www.cookreport.com/ browse_past_free2.shtml Cook's Collaborative Edge Blog http:// gordoncook.net/wp/ Subscription info: http://cookreport.com/ subscriptions.shtml ============================================================= On Dec 4, 2007, at 9:39 AM, Alexander Harrowell wrote:
Excellent public studies of Internet traffic by protocol exist from NSFNet times up to 2002 or 2003; we thank Odlyzko, Claffy et al for their work.
However, has anyone else noticed a serious lack of data after the end of the studies summarised in "Longitudinal study of Internet traffic 1998-2003", Fomenkov, Keys, Moore & Claffy, 2003? (This has been discussed in the past, I think.) All that seems to be available is vendor handwaving of the sort Andy Odlyzko takes so much trouble to debunk; and that without any source data.
Curiously, no-one seems to be funding this stuff in Europe, either.
Alexander Harrowell