on Fri, Feb 16, 2007 at 07:43:38AM -0500, Eric Gauthier wrote:
Dorms are basically large honey nets. :)
I run the network for a University with about 12,000 students and 12,000 computers in our dormitories. We, like many other Universities, have spent the last five or six years putting systems in place that are both reactive and preventative. From my perspective, the issues are still there but I'm not sure that I agree with your implications.
Do we still have "compromised" systems? Yes. Is the number of "compromosed" systems at any time large? No. Is the situation out of control? No.
Email me off-list if you want more details. IMHO, Its too bad broadband providers have not yet picked up on what the Universities have done.
Hear, hear. It's also too bad that there are still so many .edus without rDNS that identifies their resnets and dynamic/anonymous space easily, though the situation seems to be improving. Not knowing which .edu is yours, I'll refrain from further comment, but I will give some examples from some that I know about: Good examples: [0-9a-z\-]+\.[0-9a-z\-]+\.resnet\.ubc\.ca [0-9a-z\-]+\.[0-9a-z]+\.resnet\.yorku\.ca ip\-[0-9]+\.student\.appstate\.edu r[0-9]+\.resnet\.cornell\.edu ip\-[0-9]+\-[0-9]+\.resnet\.emich\.edu [0-9a-z\-]+\.resnet\.emory\.edu dynamic\-[0-9]+\-[0-9]+\.dorm\.natpool\.uc\.edu Bad examples: resnet\-[0-9]+\.saultc\.on\.ca [0-9a-z\-]+\.(brooks|camp|congdon|cubley|graham|hamlin|moore|powers|price|townhouse|woodstock)\.clarkson\.edu [a-z]+\.(andr|carm|ford|laws|stev|thom|ucrt)[0-9]+\.eiu\.edu (linden|parkave|ruthdorm|ucrt|village)[0-9a-z]+\-[0-9a-z]+\.fdu\.edu resnet[0-9]+\.saintmarys\.edu [0-9a-z\-]+(aolcom|uncgedu)\.uncg\.edu ** (l[0-9]+stf|bl)[0-9]+\.bluford\.ncat\.edu The general idea is, as has been mentioned before, to use a naming convention that can easily be blocked in sendmail and other MTAs by the simple addition of a domain tail or substring to an ACL, such as 'resnet.miskatonic.edu' or 'dyn.miskatonic.edu'. As interesting it can be to explore the campus map trying to figure out whether a given DNS token represents a lab, the administration building, the faculty lounge, or a dorm, over and over again, there's gotta be some activity that is more rewarding in the long run, such as skeet shooting or helping people disinfect their computers (or, joy of joys - both simultaenously!) ** I'd like to single out uncg.edu for special ridicule here - I hope they're still not doing this, but at one point over the last three years at least, their DHCP addresses were comprised of the end user's email address, sans '.' and '@', AS THE HOSTNAME in an otherwise non-subdomained whole: e.g., 'britney1986@aol.com' got the hostname 'britney1986aolcom.uncg.edu', 'billg@uncg.edu' got 'billguncgedu.uncg.edu', etc. I'm sure the spammers who plague uncg.edu today didn't get their entire computer-literate student body's addresses through an rDNS scan. After all, not /all/ of the addresses were in uncg.edu. The rest were in AOLland or at hotmail or a few other obvious freemail providers. -- hesketh.com/inc. v: +1(919)834-2552 f: +1(919)834-2553 w: http://hesketh.com/ antispam news, solutions for sendmail, exim, postfix: http://enemieslist.com/ rambling, amusements, edifications and suchlike: http://interrupt-driven.com/