On Tuesday, 20 June, 2017 14:26, "Rod Beck" <rod.beck@unitedcablecompany.com> said:
And how do you tell if an address was scraped or not? There are databases and zillions of other ways of gaining addresses.
I doubt you can distinguish the source with any real reliability.
Depending on whether you're registered with personal or corporate email, and how much control you have over the platform in question, you can distinguish the source with fairly high reliability. Just generate a new 'bob+nanog70@bobsdomain.org' style address for every event you register for, every website that requires a contact address, every mailing list, ... If you're concerned that people will twig, and use the naked 'bob@' address, you could work with multiple names including a hash that look like internal nonsense, e.g. 'bob34adf@', or block the un-plussed 'bob@' entirely and use e.g. 'robert@' for people you trust to have your real, non-circumstance-specific email address. I know people who do this, it really depends how much you care about being able to trace and block people who are either scraping or re-selling your details. Regards, Tim.