On Sun, 9 Dec 2001, Patrick Greenwell wrote:
I have no personal knowledge of the DOI's infrastructure, and unless you do, I think we're all left to speculate as to whether or not the "home page server" of the DOI had access to the Indian trust data. My speculation would be that it does if it's Internet connected...
The great thing about our government is public oversight. It may be embarrassing to the managers involved, but Interior's computer security is detailed in several places. Information Security: Weak Controls Place Interior's Financial and Other Data at Risk. July 3 2001. http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d01615.pdf DoI responds: "While this audit, as well as previous audits, have identified areas where NBC-Denver can improve its management controls, none of these audits has ever shown that the integrity of the financial data has ever been compromised. Our on-going operations have provided our customers accurate financial information and timely delivery of services."