On Thu, 17 Sep 2020 at 11:03, James Bensley <jwbensley+nanog@gmail.com> wrote:
> MPLSoUDP lacks transport engineering features like explicit paths, FRR LFA and FRR rLFA, assuming only a single IP header is used for the transport abstraction [1]. If you want stuff like TI-LFA (I assume this is supported in SRm6 and SRv6, but I'm not familiar with these, sorry if that is a false assumption) you need additional transport headers or a stack of MPLS labels encapped in the UDP header and then you're back to square one.
One of us has confusion about what MPLSoUDP is. I don't run it, so might be me.
SPORT == Entropy (so non-cooperating transit can balance)
DPORT == 6635 (NOT label)
Payload = MPLS label(s)
Whatever MPLS can do MPLSoUDP can, by definition, do. It is just
another MPLS point-to-point adjacency after the MPLSoUDP