On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 12:06:22 EDT, Richard Welty <rwelty@averillpark.net> said:
i've sent some time (at least 20 minutes) considering that while there are forums for operators and engineers to discuss issues (nanog, ietf, others too numerous to mention), there aren't really forums for informed consumers of internet services to exchange notes (or for uninformed consumers to become informed.)
There used to be Usenet, but then the spammers found it. Remember that Nanog probably has *significant* market penetration - I'll hazard a guess that at least 40-50% of the service providers in the US have at least one person lurking here. Now consider the number of consumers of network services in the US, and estimate what a 1% market penetration would be. Ask yourself: How do I keep spammers out of a group that size? And if I don't reach that size, what good am I really doing?