On Wed, 2 Aug 2006, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
I have over 100 domains on my personal web server. _NONE_ of them are parked, although not all have web pages (and of the ones that do, none have ads).
I tried not to attribute malice on the part of domain parking operators. I am looking for a way that you, or anyone else, could indicate a domain should not be considered "in service" although the name is registered and has an A record pointing to an active server so when I check that name it doesn't require a human to interpret the results. Most of the legit domain parking operators make it pretty obvious to a human looking at the web page its not an active domain name , e.g. The Future Home Of XYZ, Buy This Domain Now, etc. Unfortunately what may be obvious to a human is sometimes difficult for a dumb computer. I just want a way to make it equally obvious to a computer. As Randy points out, there is more to the Net than the Web, so the better solution should not depend on sending a query to port 80.