Additional support on my feeling of DO and IPv6, is DO's stance of directly not even allowing IPv6 tunnels to HE, SiXXs, or any of the other providers by specifically teliing them not to allow connections from your IPv4 address space.
Say *what*? I've got HE tunnels into DO, purely because they won't get their finger out and offer native v6, but the rest of the service currently outweighs the hassle of tunneling. If this is going to get blocked, I'll be reversing the migration of my existing VPS services elsewhere *into* DO, and starting to look for yet-another provider :( I've already had a rather strange conversation with SIXXS where they swore seven ways from Sunday I couldn't have a tunnel because DO already offer native v6, despite sending them numerous official statements to the contrary, but trying to reason with SIXXS is always "interesting"... Regards, Tim.