hello I've lurked on this list for a while - I have an issue that I need help with. I work for a company that does fraud detection we host our servers on physica hardware in managed hosting datacenters (softlayer, hertzer, coresites, etc). Recently we were flagged for malware buy clean-mx. It was the IP of an haproxy loadbalancer. I followed up by following the link to clean-mx. It looked as if the score was based upon information from the following sites: http://www.malwaredomainlist.com https://www.virustotal.com http://urlquery.net When I checked the ip in question against these sites all the checks passed exceptfor one - fortinet. And fortinet indicated that it was an unknown signature - not specifically malware. So it appeared clean. I am hesitant to deal directly with clean-mx as we do not have any existing relationship and frankly a google search turns up many horror stories. I am mindful that these may be the 'stories' of frustrated fraudsters. I honestly do not know how to evaluate this situation. If clean-mx is legit then it would make sense to have a relationship with them . If they are not then how does one deal with them? thank you Michael -- Michael Bubb +1.646.783.8769 | KD2DTY Resume - http://mbubb.devio.us/res/resume.html *noli timere*