31 Jul
31 Jul
6:39 p.m.
On Tue, Jul 31, 2001 at 08:03:51AM -0700, Randy Bush exclaimed:
this is based on the fantasy that nobody inside is rotten. this is amusing at best, considering how much damage is done by inside jobs.
or, "paranoid enough isn't." I have yet to see a level of paranoia in the security arena high enough to be considered unhealthy.
-- Scott Francis darkuncle@ [home:] d a r k u n c l e . n e t Systems/Network Manager sfrancis@ [work:] t o n o s . c o m UNIX | IP networks | security | sysadmin | caffeine | BOFH | general geekery GPG public key 0xCB33CCA7 illum oportet crescere me autem minui