On Thu, 16 Nov 2000 12:14:59 PST, you said:
http://www.ucop.edu/irc/wp/wp_Reports/wpr008/wpr008_Wasley.html suggests using ntp.foo.com or nettime.foo.com
Yes, but does 'ntp.aol.com' or 'ntp.mindspring.com' or.... you get the idea actually *work* in The Real World? I am *NOT* looking for a list of "what I use" or similar - the question is a resource location problem. For a piece of shareware that could be on *any* machine in the Internet, is it worth trying 'ntp.<my-isp-here>.com', or similar? I've heard back from a guy at Exodus (thanks!! ;) regarding their scheme. Yes, I know many domains have a 'clock' or 'time' or 'clepsydra' or similar. Maybe what's NEEDED here is a DHCP option.. that would help. ;) -- Valdis Kletnieks Operating Systems Analyst Virginia Tech