* John Smaling <john.smaling@DAOU.com> [20000901 13:09]:
This is not intended to be SPAM, but a legitimate request for advice. An organization I work for, holds a registered full class 'B' address range. Since we are moving to an RFC 1918 based addressing scheme, we are looking to "sell" the rights to utilize our class 'B'. Having no experience with this, I can only assume that perhaps a secondary tier ISP may have an interest in this, but I have no idea where to begin, or if this has value at all. Can someone provide me with some advice relative to what types of organizations might be interested in such a purchase, who they might be, and any other pertinent information. I'm aware that ARIN provides this type of thing for a price, that they publish on their Web site. I'd like to reiterate that I'm not looking for buyers through this forum, but advice on how I might go about pursuing this.
Oh no! You've haven't been reading the list this week have you? I'm sure you'll get a few other responses though. Probably from web hosting companies... j/k ;-) It is generally frowned upon to re-assign your Class B space to another party, sorry. -jr ---- Josh Richards [JTR38/JR539-ARIN] <jrichard@cubicle.net/fix.net/freedom.gen.ca.us/geekresearch.com> Geek Research LLC IP Network Engineering and Consulting