On 2008/07/27 10:18 AM Randy Bush wrote:
the fact is that real 100m/100m is about USD30/mo in japan. in the states, i pay about USD90 for 256k/768k. as far as the internet is concerned, the united states is a third world country.
I currently pay (converted from ZAR to USD) $40/m for 192k/384k DSL. That gives me a pair to the exchange DSLAM, no internet. On top of that, I pay $10/m for each GB used on that line. My average spend on plain old POTS DSL is $100/m. If the US is the third world of telecoms, S.A. is the 50th world. Please /do/ moan about government incompetence, drug induced legislation and failure for the stupidest people on this earth to understand free market economy (and where it works). Please /don't/ pretend to be in the worst position out there, because I have some gruelling stories to tell... :)