I'm one of the reporters who covers broadband and cloud computing for InformationWeek magazine (www.informationweek.com), and it's interesting to me that one of the issues with cloud adoption has to do with the limited pipe networks available in this country. For example, it's not feasible to do a massive data load through the networks that are currently available -- you need to FedEx a hard drive to Amazon. Holy cow, it's SneakerNet for the 21st Century! Initiatives like the federal BTOP (Broadband Technology Opportunity Program) and Google's infamous (and so far invisible) fiber program promise to change, by orders of magnitude, the pipe that's available to most folks, and therefore change equations like SneakerNet for cloud loads. Surely the backbone will also need to be much more capacious, with middle mile changes like this. I am interested in hearing from folks on this list about the impacts that these programs are having on your network build-out and management plans. I'm also interested in hearing your perspective on real network management issues that could either be caused by or fixed by proposed FCC regulation of broadband. I don't have a political axe to grind, and I know that broadband is something of a political issue right now. But there are pragmatics that data center managers and CIOs have to deal with every day, and knowing what's coming up on the national broadband agenda is becoming more and more important. You can reply to me either on-list, or off-list (jf@feldman.org) if you want to remain anonymous. My deadline is Monday, close of business (5pm ET). Thanks so much for your perspective. --Jonathan Jonathan Feldman Contributing Editor, InformationWeek http://www.informationweek.com Twitter: @_jfeldman