I woke up this morning to a barrage of complaints from users that our mail servers' outbound emails are bouncing due to a blacklisting. Sure enough, mxtoolbox.com<http://mxtoolbox.com> reports that rbl.iprange.net<http://rbl.iprange.net> has blacklisted us for more than a day. However, looking up our address on the rbl.iprange.net<http://rbl.iprange.net> lookup webpage shows we're NOT listed. But a check of the RBL's DNS shows that we are. Then I found this on the rbl.iprange.net<http://rbl.iprange.net> owner's website (): "rbl.iprange.net<http://rbl.iprange.net> (is offline since 01-01-2018) please replace it with rbl.realtimeblacklist.com<http://rbl.realtimeblacklist.com> rbl.iprange.net<http://rbl.iprange.net> will mark every ip address as listed to force removal of this server." What the heck? I've tried contacting realtimeblacklisk.com<http://realtimeblacklisk.com>, but they're in the Netherlands and apparently fast asleep (in more ways than one, it seems). -mel beckman