try extreme... summit alpine and blackdiamond should all do that although only the summits fit in the form-factor you're thinking of. My experience with extremes as l3 boxes is neither recent nor pleasant, but that's not how we use them anyway. On Sun, 25 Jan 2004 wrote:
Does anybody know of 1U - 2U form factor Ethernet switches that can handle 4K VLANs, or at a minimum 2000 VLANs? Note that we're specifically looking for the ability to handle this number of VLANs operating simultaneously, not only VLAN *IDs* in the full 4K range.
(This rules out popular switches like the Cisco 3550 and 3750 series, which can only handle 1024 VLANs operating simultaneously.)
The switches should have 12 - 24 Fast Ethernet ports. Some form of "Q in Q" or stackable VLANs, ie. the ability to handle more than one VLAN tag, is vital.
Spanning tree is needed, but can be one common spanning tree for all VLANs (per-VLAN spanning tree is not needed).
Other features that would be nice to have:
- RSTP (802.w) and MST (802.1s). - A couple of GigE ports (GBIC or SFP based, presumably) for uplinks. - L3 (IP routing). - DC power.
Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting,
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