Botnets aren't new. They've been prototyped on various IRC networks for years. It started with hordes of linked eggdrop bots for Death Star style privmsg/notice flood attacks on single users (1998? 1999?). When
For history's sake, most people name BO and netbus as the "original" remote control Trojan horses. Those that started all the mess. Truth be told, that's far from the truth, although history won't care much about it. There were two main "remote" Trojan horses that came before. One was by MrZ (I think!) who hung around the efnet IRC network and created havoc 1, 2 and 3. also known at the time as route32b.exe, mostly. There was Socket de Troie (sp?), with a cute French GUI interface. Most botnets back then were indeed eggdrops/energymechs, but the masses started.. erm.. massing with script.ini and DMSETUP.exe showing up in late 1996. Then came BO and netbus. The original netbus was actually written in delphy if I remember right.. most of these Trojan horses later on, for a few years, were written in VB and C (moving from PASCAL). Gadi.