I'll give a few more hints as to what I'm looking for..
Did you answer my questions? :)
How about ethernet versus ATM? With VLANs and high speed such as Gig/10Gig, I can get speed and one to many arrangements (at least for lower speeds). Should Ethernet be point to point or optionally multiaccess in nature?
ATM is a fine edge technology for lower speed access. Ethernet is inherently "multiaccess" (can you say CSMA-CD?)
Or, what about MPLS? With MPLS, service provider connections can be established without concern for underlying media (e.g., ethernet, POS, ATM).
Interoperable MPLS from hundreds of vendors? Yeah right. IP on the other hand, has been implemented on everything from x25, ham-radio, Frame, ATM, leasedline, avian carrier, wet string, lamda, and many other "underlying" media. I hear seismic waves are under test.
Is Diff-Serv or ATM QoS a requirement or can 85-90% of requirements be met with loss/latency service as the baseline?
Overprovisioning solves nearly all QoS concerns. There are very few QoS requirements.
What special arrangements should be made for hosting (e.g., local caching or streamers)? Yes, I'm stretching here a bit.
Reassure your exchange clients that you are -NOT- in direct competition with them.
- -----Original Message----- From: bmanning@vacation.karoshi.com [SMTP:bmanning@vacation.karoshi.com] Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2000 5:24 PM To: mduckett@bellsouth.net Cc: 'nanog@merit.edu' Subject: Re: Service Provider Exchange requirements
What switching and/or service characteristics would you require such that an exchange point would be desirable (e.g., media types, switch fabric, route servers, multicast services, SLAs, ..)?
Kind of depends on what you want out of your exchange and who your target marrket(s) are. Factor in budgets, (financial, space, environmental...) and you should have winnowed down the conceivable to the likely.
- --bill
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