+1 on this exactly what we do, keeps the calls down. Carlos Alcantar Race Communications / Race Team Member 1325 Howard Ave. #604, Burlingame, CA. 94010 Phone: +1 415 376 3314 / carlos@race.com / http://www.race.com On 10/31/14, 9:56 AM, "Laszlo Hanyecz" <laszlo@heliacal.net> wrote:
If you're selling to end users, under promise and over deliver. Tell them 20Mbit but provision for 25. That way when they run their speedtest, they're delighted that they're getting more, instead of being disappointed and feeling screwed. In practice they will leave it idle most of the time anyway. This isn't a technical problem, it's just a matter of setting expectations and satisfying them. Some of the customers might be completely clueless, but if your goal is to make them happy, then explaining protocol overhead is probably not the right way.