On Wednesday, 6 December, 2017 03:53, Rich Kulawiec <rsk@gsp.org> wrote:
On Tue, Dec 05, 2017 at 09:54:21AM -0700, Grant Taylor via NANOG wrote:
If you are trying, make an honest mistake, and are willing to correct it when others politely let you know, you will quite likely find people willing to help you. Especially if you return the favor in kind.
Yes. That's how we all get better at this. And when any of us learn, we all benefit, so it's in our mutual best interest to share knowledge. (I've learned more here than I can measure. And I'm grateful for it.)
If you are being a hooligan and not responding to problems reported to you or purposefully ~> wantonly doing things to others ... good luck.
And the latter is the problem: we are faced, unfortunately, with massive operations that were designed, built, and deployed without the slightest consideration for responsible behavior toward the rest of the Internet.
And here for all these years a thought the bargain was that you agree to carry my traffic without molestation and in return I covenant not to molest your infrastructure or create a nuisance or mess that you have to mitigate or clean up. Of late this thinking seems to have gone mostly by the wayside. It used to be that only the deliberate/wonton transgressors violated that covenant, however, it seems that molestation and nuisance creation have been spreading like an epidemic for a number of years. In fact it is quite common these days that if one brings up in discussion that to act in a certain manner would create a nuisance that others have to clean up and therefore you need to take special precautions to not create the nuisance in the first place, seems all too often be a cause for derision which, in my experience, results in not being invited to participate further. It also seems quite common that when these people then go ahead with their ill-conceived plans and obtain the result you told them would accrue, they act all surprised and astonished. The "Well, I did warn you" usually does not go over too well.