"Brian" writes:
You are misguided. The constitution is "*Congress* shall make no law....." not "<insert ISP name> shall make no law........"
Things like freedom of speech, are only really an issue for the Govt. When it comes to the private sector, we can do what we want. If you are a private business, like an ISP, and don't want people to see porn, you can filter porn, and tell people that you feel no one should see it, and if they don't like it they will go elsewhere.
The checks and balances on that law, are the Freedom of Enterprise, which protects the people.
We have inalienable rights that extend beyond these rights to capitalize. These rights extend onto private property, into virtual networks, beyond fire- walls (if we are behind them) and to the heart of Vixie's unconscionable activities. The guy is setting the stage for a cyber-gulag where the unacceptables are simply "Black Holed" into non-existance. First for allegedly sending mail to too many people. Next for whatever silly other offense these despots in training dream up. Slippery. Slope. Bob Allisat Free Community Network _ bob@fcn.net . http://fcn.net http://fcn.net/allisat _ http://fcn.net/draft