For those ISPs who have high-capacity DIA/IP transit circuits (10Gbps+) feeding major corporate campuses, I'm curious what the traffic charts M-F look like compared to previous weeks. Particularly for what time it begins to rise sharply in the morning, and the daily peak value. I have a theory that such customers in the Seattle area may have particularly odd traffic patterns at present.

Anecdotally for a few things I have access to I am seeing much lower than normal office worker DIA usage.

On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 6:33 AM Jared Mauch <> wrote:
I’m wondering what general trends people have seen with the recent reduction in travel and increased work from home activities.

I’m expecting that a number of networks are seeing increased traffic demand.  Enterprises are likely adding VPN licenses for staff that are now remote, etc..

I would expect increase (and decreases) similar to weekend traffic patterns.

I’m expecting there will be more IPv6 traffic similar to what is seen during the Christmas/New Years holiday on this traffic as well:

What interesting dynamics are you seeing?

- Jared