On Wed, 5 Aug 2009 15:07:30 -0400 (EDT) "John R. Levine" <johnl@iecc.com> wrote:
5 is 'edns ping', but it was effectively blocked because people thought DNSSEC would be easier to do, or demanded that EDNS PING (http://edns-ping.org) would offer everything that DNSSEC offered.
I'm surprised you failed to mention http://dnscurve.org/crypto.html, which is always brought up, but never seems to solve the problems mentioned.
dnscurve looks like a swell idea, but I wouldn't put it in the category of a hack as straightforward as the ones I listed. Also, at this point there appears to be neither code nor an implementable spec available since Dan is still fiddling with it.
As I understand it, dnscurve protects transmissions, not objects. That's not the way DNS operates today, what with N levels of cache. It may or may not be better, but it's a much bigger delta to today's systems and practices than DNSSEC is. --Steve Bellovin, http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb