I'm curious also. Could you use a SFP in a ten gig port if you only need 4gb of throughput? Sent from my iPhone On Feb 17, 2011, at 6:25 PM, "Sam Chesluk" <Sam@networkhardware.com> wrote:
Jason - there are no SFP-10G parts based off of the original SFP; they all are based on the SFP+ standard, so there will be no issues with the optic not being able to work at the full 10Gbps it's rated for.
Sam Chesluk Network Hardware Resale
-----Original Message----- From: Jason Lixfeld [mailto:jason@lixfeld.ca] Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 3:00 PM To: nanog@nanog.org Subject: SFP vs. SFP+
I was asked today what the difference between SFP and SFP+ is. I did really know, so I looked it up and it seems that the SFP spec provides capabilities for data rates up to 4.25Gb/s, whereas SFP+ supports up to 10Gb/s. Naturally, this made me wonder whether or not an optic that supported 10GbE always conformed to the SFP+ standard inherently, or if there are cases where a 10GbE optic might only support the SFP standard, thus having a 4.25Gb/s bottleneck.