On Sat, 14 Mar 1998, Marc Hurst wrote: ) Pinging ? [] with 48 data bytes ) Statistics for ) 12 packets transmitted, 6 packets received, 50% packet loss ) round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 117/123/141 Are you sure you aren't using in your local network? (11:05)root@narnia:~# traceroute traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets 1 annex1.mhv.net ( 441.71 ms 447.504 ms 474.262 ms 2 router.mhv.net ( 728.385 ms 693.522 ms 930.113 ms 3 sl-gw8-pen-3-4-T1.sprintlink.net ( 907.624 ms 1132.57 ms 938.952 ms 4 * sl-gw8-pen-3-4-T1.sprintlink.net ( 1710.79 ms !H 1932.13 ms !H (11:06)root@narnia:~# -- Daniel Reed <n@narnia.n.ml.org> (3CE060DD) System administrator at large... I never deny, I never contradict. I sometimes forget. -- Benjamin Disraeli