Likelihood of passage aside I wonder where they believe they get jurisdiction for this? Put another way would it stand up in court? Put yet another way if they have jurisdiction for this wouldn't they basically have jurisdiction for just about anything like no more letter 'W's on the internet? Granted they'd have to get it passed. IANAL but it seems like it would have prior restraint problems. On July 29, 2022 at 14:05 mike@mtcc.com (Michael Thomas) wrote:
the body of the proposed law:
"(a) Conduct prohibited.—
(1) IN GENERAL.—It shall be unlawful for an operator of an email service to use a filtering algorithm to apply a label to an email sent to an email account from a political campaign unless the owner or user of the account took action to apply such a label."
where to even start with how bad this would be.
thanks for the heads up from Anne Mitchell
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