That is very interesting, scrolling down a bit for the screenshots/examples, it's one of the few IP address management systems that also addresses the OSI layer 1 location/position/racking of equipment. Tools like phpipam only go as far as VLAN assignment. Logical that they built that feature in, considering the hosting/colo/dedicated server ISP it originated at. On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 5:29 PM, Jay Christopher <> wrote:
Not sure I've seen it mentioned, so will throw NetBox into the mix.
- jay
On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 3:50 PM Eric Kuhnke <> wrote:
Either phpipam or nipap.
Both use fairly standard database backends and db schema (usually something as simple as mariadb listenong on localhost only, on the same VM that is the apache2 or nginx + php stack), allowing you to scale up to external tools that do read only queries of the IP database for other purposes.
On Sun, Jun 10, 2018 at 1:48 PM, Mike Lyon <> wrote:
Title says it all... Currently using IPPlan, but it is kinda antiquated..
Thanks, Mike
-- Mike Lyon
-- - Jay C.