Rusty H. Hodge wrote:
At 10:13 AM -0700 6/8/97, wrote:
It's not entirely clear what your data source is; I guess it's the zone files for the domains currently under InterNIC's administration, yes?
Sorry, I left out an important "What this report is" section.
It is the top 100 nameservers serving .com, .net and .org domains.
I know this is nanog, but there's more to the Internet than .com, .net and .org. Any chance of next level domains under .(net|or|org|co|com|etc).<country> and .<country> (for those that dont use (or|org|co|com) distinctions) being included in the same count? You'll see a number of these servers weighing in at 3 to 5 times these figures... (ie, there are servers that make it into your Top 200 on .com, .net and .org alone, where those domains only make up a minority of the domains delegated/served) Interesting, nevertheless. Earlier, Rusty H. Hodge wrote: | I've always been curious how well bind runs with 10,000+ domains in it. | That's one big named.boot file. It runs fine. Takes a few minutes to fire up though :-) Regards, Andrew -- Andrew Bangs, Senior Systems Administrator, Demon Internet Ltd