On Jan 21, 2010, at 5:22 PM, Jon Lewis wrote:
In the event that is assigned by IANA, anoNet could move to the next unassigned /8, though such an event is unlikely, as has been reserved since September 1981.
Sounds like a non-winning strategy to me. It's just a (random) matter of time until they get to do the same thing again, see: http://blog.icann.org/2009/09/selecting-which-8-to-allocate-to-an-rir/
I thought there was some other group that had been squatting in 1/8, something about radio and peer to peer...but not AnoNet (at least that name was totally unfamiliar)...but this was all I could find with a quick google.
There are other folks who are playing Russian Roulette, e.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamachi. Lots of "fun" in store for us in the future. Might think about moving to IPv6... :-) Regards, -drc