On 11/05/07, Jo Rhett <jrhett@svcolo.com> wrote:
On May 11, 2007, at 1:50 PM, Niels Bakker wrote:
Maybe, just maybe, they are under (British) police orders to keep those scammers connected to gather more evidence.
Happened in the Netherlands with an apartment full of Nigerian scammers connected to UPC.
They have refused all of the evidence we have offered to date. They refer us to the UK law enforcement. We ask for contact information for their local office, and they responded with the (fictional) address of Scotland Yard from the popular tv show. That's sarcasm, not helpfulness. It's reckless, inconsiderate behavior.
It would be reckless and inconsiderate if it wasn't the correct course of action. You probably want to be in touch with the Economic and Specialist Crime unit: http://www.met.police.uk/scd/specialist_units/economic_specialist_crime.htm which appears to be based here: Metropolitan Police Service New Scotland Yard Broadway London SW1H 0BG new.scotland.yard@met.police.uk or call +44 20 7230 1212 Hope this helps. -- bill. (two minutes using google and the met police web site) -- Bill Hulley <bill.hulley@gmail.com>