"M. David Leonard" <mdl@equinox.shaysnet.com> writes:
What is to prevent a network from providing unjittered NTP to its downstream clients/customers BUT jittered NTP to outsiders? How is this different from providing up-to-the-millisecond stock exchange data to paying customers but delaying the same data provided to the general public by some time period?
"All quotes and all NTP ticks are delayed 15 minutes" is an amusing concept.
Are we constrained by fear of litigation from taking appropriate pro-active measures to protect services from abuse and from discriminating between legitimate and questionable requests for data from our own servers? Is it time to bail out of the Internet business?
Listen to Paul; he's a past master at defending against gratuitous/stupid lawsuits. You're under no obligation to provide the service, but actively providing bad info could be construed as a tort, and defending/filing lawsuits, like horse racing (owning the horses, not going to the races), is a sport for the super-well-heeled. ---Rob