I have been told the proper way to handle geolocation issues is to open a support ticket by following the "Contact Us" instructions here: https://cbsi.secure.force.com/CBSi/KnowledgeHome?referer=cbs.com%2Faa Once that's done if you don't get help in a reasonable timeframe, let me know your support ticket information and I'll attempt to escalate it. Steve
On May 18, 2020, at 9:21 AM, Jesse DuPont <jesse.dupont@celeritycorp.net> wrote:
Good morning. Does anyone have an email contact for CBS All Access streaming NOC? We're struggling with what appear to be some geo-location issues - our info is right on all the known geo-location providers, but we're still struggling with some of our IP blocks being unable to stream from CBS. -- Jesse DuPont Owner / Network Architect email: jesse.dupont@celeritycorp.net Celerity Networks LLC / Celerity Broadband LLC Like us! facebook.com/celeritynetworksllc Like us! facebook.com/celeritybroadband