It won't be long before the telco's respond by offering DSL at the same speed/price. I've heard (but don't *know*) that SBC is selling 6 down and 1 up in Houston and Dallas for $35. We're doing a fair business selling accelerated dial up for $15. Its surprising how many folks don't want broadband. You don't need 4mb down to read your email. And once you get outside of the city limits there's a good sized market that can't get any type of broadband, especially cable. We may decline some, but I don't think that ISP's are going away anytime soon. Bob Martin Matt Bazan wrote:
why in the world would anyone want to purchase dsl from a private reseller when i can get 4mb down 384 up from comcast for $25? think you dsl resellers out there are doomed. in fact, just a matter of time before most of you isps are down the toilet. im reminded of the mom and pop grocery store phenomenon that has now been replaced by the kohls, a&p, whole foods etc. of course there will always be niche markets but this is less applicable for a pure commodity like bandwidth. yeah, i suppose you'll say something about value added services and such and you may have a point but i doubt that will keep the ship afloat for long.