Thanks John. This was a common question that was asked off-list. That edge MTA is not used and has never been used by anything/anyone other than us. No customer mail flows or has flowed in or out via it ever. As I mentioned in my follow-up post, the issue at this point is that the domain has been blacklisted. I can send an identical message from the same MTA, changing only the From header, and it will be delivered to Inbox. Only when the From header contains will the message be delivered to spam. Any changes to the MTA IP, content, headers, etc. don't have any effect. Erik ----- Original Message ----- From: "John Levine" <> To: Cc: "erik list" <> Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:58:28 PM Subject: Re: What must one do to avoid Gmail's retarded non-spam filtering?
We have proper A+PTR records on the edge MTAs, proper SPF records for the originating domain, proper Return-Path and other headers, and so on. There isn't anything that I can think of other than the content itself which would be abnormal, and obviously the content is repetitive and can't be changed much. Is there something obvious which we've missed?
What else goes out from that MTA? User forwarded mail? Mailing lists? random customer junk? It is a really good idea to separate your mail streams. These days it means separate IPs for users, transactions, forwards, and such, eventually different DKIM signatures will do the trick. R's, John