On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 4:52 PM, Harald Koch <chk@pobox.com> wrote:
Y'all are way too trusting ;)
Or we are much more comfortable with our knowledge. Six in one,....
If I recall from a brief experiment yesterday, three of the four options on that page are variations on "I'd like to bypass 2-factor authentication". There is really no point in any of Google's fancy account security if I can bypass all of it using Google's Identity Verification process, especially if that process is based on PII that isn't terribly difficult to obtain.
I think you are overly simplifying a piece of a very large, very complicated, highly dynamic, and daily reviewed, security pipeline. Google's Account security is not a 1 man in the basement operation. You tell me the Sender, time, last Received line, and byte size, of all the emails I received on 1-Jan-2015 and I will give you $100 per email.... or this thread can just die a miserable hypothetical death that it deserves. -Jim P.