Hmmm more importantly routers that can do OC192, run your filters, queuing and maintain line speed all at the same time. Private peering sometimes helps eliminate some of the filtering issues. What about a dedicated interconnect for VOIP? Hard to try that over an interconnect, do TOS routing/filtering or give a specific peer a pref over others. It seems that moving forward with everything over IP we're going to need a great deal of features that dont exist now. As for bandwidth, I think the prices will plummet too. With certain carriers making dark fibre available in quantity at ridiculusly low prices wont will all have our own soon? Doesnt everyone have a T1 to the home now? gotta have one to pickup all that spam... At 2:01 AM -0400 4/20/99, Vadim Antonov wrote:
Eric Gentzler <> wrote:
You have missed the news on what current IXP's/NAP's are doing with their networks. All three of the big boys and up and comer Qwest and dumping millions into network build-out and DWDM plus DPT technologies which address scaling up network bandwidth. Current OC192 SONET rings combined with DWDM and DPT technologies will result in the eventual plumit in bandwidth cost.
Thank you, Eric, for reminding me why i started the Tb router business in the first place. Btw, did you get any routers which can do OC-192 _today_, not in the brave new world?
Dragging a lot of fiber never was a problem (except for the Sprint's capacity planners, but that is another story). Routing them is (and, no, you cannot replace it with L2 switching of TDM or WDM kind). Even tag switching breaks down at IXPs (where flows are de-aggregated). The explanation why it is so is provided in a paper i wrote few years ago: ).
If you do not have a T1 to your home
I do.
Thank you, David Diaz Chief Technical Officer Netrail, Inc email: pager: 888-576-1018 office: 888-NETRAIL Fax: 404 522-2191 Build 1: 46 cities nationwide Build 2: 67 cities nationwide ++I don't suffer from stress. I'm a carrier.++