so here's a proposal. we (speaking for ISC here) could add a config option (default to OFF) to make bind send some kind of registration packet at boot time, containing an e-mail address for a technical contact for that server, and perhaps its hostname as well. the destination would be configurable, and the format would be open, and we would include in the distribution a tool capable of catching these. any campus/WAN admin who wanted to run their own "BIND registration system" could do so. anyone who wanted to simply config their server to send registration data to ISC could do so. for data received at ISC, we'd (a) keep it completely private other than public statistics, (b) clean it of obvious trash (some people will sent registration data for just for fun; we know that), and (c) use the contact information only in the event that a security defect discovered in that version. remember, the default would be OFF.
Isn't the problem with this that in order to get the code out, people need to upgrade and you therefor risk ending up with only notifying the people that upgrade anyway? - kurtis -