On Wed, 12 Sep 2001, Majdi S. Abbas wrote:
On Wed, Sep 12, 2001 at 09:37:27PM -0400, Rich Fulton wrote:
we are hearing that 60 hudson has been evacuated and may collapse.
can anyone give confirmation/details?
It's about a 10 minute, several block walk from the WTC to 60 Hud. According to the mapping services it's over half a mile away.
Note: 1/2 mile==10 blocks in NYCM, although this is a difficult metric to apply accurately in the financial district (where many of the streets predate the "grid system" of blocks known uptown.
I find the liklihood of large debris falling that far away fairly low.
According to cnn.com, very heavy debris surrounds the WTC for a distance of more than 10 blocks [closely paraphrased, as I don't feel like searching for the precise cite right now]. Also according to cnn, the collapse of each of the towers generated a [mild] 2.0 Richter Scale event. Knowing the area well, as I do, I also doubt that even heavy debris would be sufficient at that distance to harm 60H all by itself. a 2.0 even is pretty mild, but NYCM is generally not what you would call earthquake-aware either - I doubt 60H was built to any earthquake spec.
"Although access to 60 Hudson Street is prohibited at this time, contrary to previous reports, we have confirmed that this facility is currently structurally stable."
I can believe this, no problem. Personally, I would be *much* more worried about the ventilation systems right now...
-- Yours, J.A. Terranson sysadmin@mfn.org If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they should give serious consideration towards setting a better example: Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate... This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers, associates, or others. Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the first place... --------------------------------------------------------------------