Fair enough. :-) Nearly everything has a time and place, though. Pretty much everything on this thread is speculative. Gian Anthony Constantine Senior Network Design Engineer Earthlink, Inc. Office: 404-748-6207 Cell: 404-808-4651 Internal Ext: x22007 constantinegi@corp.earthlink.net On Jan 9, 2007, at 2:13 PM, John Kristoff wrote:
On Tue, 9 Jan 2007 13:21:38 -0500 Marshall Eubanks <tme@multicasttech.com> wrote:
You are correct. Today, IP multicast is limited to a few small closed networks. If we ever migrate to IPv6, this would instantly change.
I am curious. Why do you think that ?
I could have said the same thing, but with an opposite end meaning. You take one 10+ year technology with minimal deployment and put it on top of another 10+ year technology also far from being widely deployed and you end up with something quickly approaching zero deployment, instantly. :-)