On Sep 10, 2017, at 1:59 PM, Bryan Holloway <bryan@shout.net> wrote: I point specifically to the opening talk at Bellevue where there were wackily photoshop'd pictures of NANOG star heavy-hitters. Had I been a first-time attendee, I would've felt like a high-school freshman being told who all the "cool seniors" were. Frankly, it was awkward and off-putting.
On Sep 11, 2017, at 12:32 AM, Bill Woodcock <woody@pch.net> wrote: Probably a safe bet that it was mostly aspirant juniors.
Patrick has pointed out to me that my offhand dismissiveness painted with an overly broad brush and encompassed people whom I undoubtedly do not think so little of. So, my sincere apologies for my tone and speaking-out-of-turn about a slide deck that I hadn’t actually seen. I do very much miss the “cool seniors” who worked so hard to make this what it was, twenty-five and thirty years ago; I owe them a lot. I’m sure the people who are working hard to make the organization what it is today are serving a similar function for people who are entering the industry today. Nostalgia was causing me to conflate two things which are unrelated The frat-boy thing is a problem, not only in NANOG, but in ARIN and RIPE. I’d very much like to see it fixed, so that everyone can enjoy collegial support, rather than just a subset of participants. -Bill