On Jun 27, Jack Rickard <jack.rickard@boardwatch.com> wrote:
Keynote does a "Top 40" study of 40 popular web sites and I believe they make the results available on their web site. It is interesting to observe performance variations of the network as a whole over time. Other than that, we don't have much interest in it. It is indicative of no specific network, but of the Internet in general.
Where does my network end and the Internet in general begin? Where does your testing equipment end and the Internet in general begin? Along those lines, I'm happy to announce that I'm prepared to offer one megabyte of FREE web space to any backbone. It will be hosted on www.cybernothing.org, a FreeBSD machine running Apache, currently co-located with Erol's and soon to move to the Priori office. Every backbone whose web page is hosted on my server is almost guranteed to have equal network performance in the eyes of Keynote, Boardwatch, and anybody nieve enough to believe them. I'll even put the same 10k file in each directory. *grin* *********************************************************************** J.D. Falk voice: +1-415-482-2840 Supervisor, Network Operations fax: +1-415-482-2844 PRIORI NETWORKS, INC. http://www.priori.net "The People You Know. The People You Trust." ***********************************************************************