I think part of the problem is not only to notify but provide information for techs at another ISP to know what kind of problem they have (and if you block them, they may not be able to reach you to even ask). I would remind that this thread started from Tom telling us that roadrunner did not even record whey thy blocked him. Not only should they have recorded it but perhaps had a location where Tom could find that: 1. He's being blocked 2. Why he is being blocked with particular example of abuse that caused it 3. How long will block last or what steps he should take if he corrected the problem to notify and get the block removed Since its difficult to maintain tracking system like this for every ISP, perhaps a more centralized abuse clearing house could be developed (by centralized does not mean it should involve in these disputes just provide forum for one ISP to record filtering policies that are being applied to another one). In fact more then one system like this can exist and ISPs may choose which system they use or run their own system, what would be important is to let everyone know what system they are using and how to get information from it, preferably in real time. On Fri, 5 Dec 2003, james wrote:
: > I may be reaching here but I think perl scripting can do this. : : I wish. I've been experimenting with doing exactly that for years.
That is what I ment by "reaching", it was not intended to be a smart a** comment. How about mailing to abuse/postmaster@<domain> ? I realize that the postmaster/abuse account is often non-existent but at least you made the effort. To me the important thing is at least trying to notify. So the clueless miss out. Tuff. Those of us that care would like to know there is a problem, so we can solve it.
James Edwards Routing and Security jamesh@cybermesa.com At the Santa Fe Office: Internet at Cyber Mesa Store hours: 9-6 Monday through Friday 505-988-9200 SIP:1(747)669-1965