Loose translation: On 09/03/2022 22:46, Andy Ringsmuth wrote:
“We’re working on it.” they say.
"There is only 1.5 of us; we're overworked and underpaid and this allows us to postpone this workstream for a while."
“We’re waiting for wider adoption.” they say.
"Not enough of you are complaining about the lack of IPv6, but we're still pushing as our resolver so we have to fix that first."
“We’re waiting for our upstream to support it.” they say (and HE is their upstream).
"Our BGP edge router is a 7600 pieced together from several eBay purchases, and might blow up if we add the IPv6 DFZ." The first one is all-too-common where I live, too. Fake it until you make it is rife. Getting fibre into the ground - past as many homes as possible - is the sole priority. -- Tom