On Nov 28, 2013, at 1:07 PM, Leo Vegoda <leo.vegoda@icann.org> wrote:
Andrew D Kirch wrote:
Was I the only one who thought that everything about this was great apart from this comment:
In reality additional poking leads me to believe AT&T gives you a rather generous /60
Is a /60 what is considered generous these days? I thought a /48 was considered normal and a /56 was considered a bit tight. What prefix lengths are residential access providers handing out by default these days?
Agreed… Unforutnately, the big guys (Comcast, AT&T) in America seem to like victimizing their customers with undersized assignments, limiting choice of proper prefix sizes to only their business class customers. I’m not sure why they are doing this. I know when I’ve had conversations with them, they haven’t exactly given a reason so much as just said that they thought a /48 was ridiculous. Of course, if AT&T is blocking protocol 41, that’s even worse, because at least so long as that isn’t blocked, you can still get an HE tunnel and get a /48 if you need it anyway. Owen