On 2/20/12 09:55 , Leo Bicknell wrote:
In a message written on Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 09:51:59AM -0800, Joel jaeggli wrote:
Things with legacy ports on them are on the way out. given an ipmi manager that doesn't suck there should be no reason to connect to the machine at all, to console in. the rats nest is a lot more tractable when there is ethernet and power and nothing else.
This reminded me of another gizmo I'd like to have...
How about a Bluetooth to Serial adapter? Routers don't (yet) have iLO, but I have this fantasy about being able to walk into a colo with a handfull of small adapters that I simply plug on to consoles and then sit down with my laptop and can access all the serial ports without having to run cables.
such a thing exists, I wouldn't consider it part of permanent oob solution. http://www.amazon.com/SIIG-ID-SB0011-S1-RS-232-Bluetooth-Converter/dp/B001AZ... http://www.quatech.com/catalog/bluetooth_serial.php
Talk about eliminating the rat's nest....